When you're a kid and you first start learning where babies come from, it is one of those experiences where a child loses part of their innocence. You are shown charts, diagrams, movies, etc... And often taught
the old slogan "Not me, not now". In many families, it is instilled in the child to be fearful of sex. 
However, There are times where it may be appropriate in today's society to be a little immature. Not everywhere. But sometimes and many times, sex is discussed in the work place in one form or another. Guys Rip on each other all the time. Girls sometimes do this too in our ever-changing society. This is not always done to insult. It is often a way to show respect to one another by using a sense of humor.
Sometimes, It is even the NORM in certain situations to talk immaturely. Penis... Vagina... We have all seen them. We know what they do, what they're for...
Would it be OK for a teacher or adult to talk immaturely about sex with a student or child??? No, of course not.
A group of guys hanging out in the break room or the smoking area talking about sex and ripping on each other about Penis Size and Sexual Preference.... Not such an inappropriate sight anymore. It may even help those colleagues accept each other more too. I speak from personal experience. I am the straight guy at work that gets called gay. Does this bother me in any way???? No, Not at all. Reason being, I have a sense of humor and I often set myself up for it.
Friends, family, co-workers, colleagues.... It's not all bad to joke around and talk immaturely about topics once deemed private. It shouldn't be taken too far at the same time. But the main point that I wish to get across is this:
Be Open To Change in Society. There are appropriate places for everything. But, At the same time it is not necessarily "Off-Limits" to talk, joke, be immature in Professional Social Settings.
Have Fun, Don't take it to far and Have an open mind.
Use Your Head...